School Catalog Apparel
Below are our most popular recommended standard brands for each School Catalog Style. Click on each brand link tile for additional product information, color options, and to check inventory. Once you click the link, please click color swatches to see inventory and reference the sizing chart by clicking the black button "View Specs." If you need both youth AND adult, please check both to make sure the garment color you want is available in both! Other brands, styles and colors may be available at the same price. Please inquire ahead to confirm.
STYLE A - (White or Ash) Short Sleeve Tees
STYLE B (Color) Short Sleeve Tees
100% Cotton Tees for Youth and Adult sizes (Heather and Neon colors will have some polyester blend)
50/50 Cotton/Poly Blend Tees for Youth and Adult sizes - PLEASE REFERENCE ADDITIONAL PRICING FOR 50/50 BLENDS
Click the product links! Choose the garment color swatches to see inventory availability. Reference the sizing chart by clicking the black button "View Specs."
If you need both youth AND adult, please check both to make sure the garment color you want is available for each!
STYLE C - 100% Ringspun Cotton Super Soft Tee (Any Color)
Very popular for those who prefer a softer garment!
Looking for other garment style options? Long sleeve shirts, wicking tees, baseball shirts? Please email for other style pricing.
STYLE D - Retail Style Super Soft Tee
Our most popular soft shirt! This one is our favorite!
50/50 Cotton/Poly Blend Tees for Youth and Adult sizes - PLEASE REFERENCE ADDITIONAL PRICING FOR 50/50 BLENDS
Click the product links! Choose the garment color swatches to see inventory availability. Reference the sizing chart by clicking the black button "View Specs."If you need both youth AND adult, please check both to make sure the garment color you want is available for each!
STYLE H - Crew Neck Sweatshirt
50/50 Blend 8oz.
Looking for other garment style options? Long sleeve shirts, wicking tees, baseball shirts? Please email for other style pricing.
STYLE I - Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt
50/50 Blend 8oz.
Click the product links! Choose the garment color swatches to see inventory availability. Reference the sizing chart by clicking the black button "View Specs."If you need both youth AND adult, please check both to make sure the garment color you want is available for each!
STYLE J Zip-Up Hooded Sweatshirt
50/50 Blend 8oz.